LNG-Quality Release System (L-QRS)

Software solution for efficient LNG loading operations

  • Instant availability of both certificate of quality & bill of lading, based on real-time quality measurement 
  • Certified by NMi and compliant with ISO 8943, GPA 2172, ASTM 4784, GIIGNL
  • Automated instrument validation and statistical process control according to international standards 
  • Energy calculations, loading mass balance and billing reports on vapour returns

LNG cargo ship docked in the port

The KROHNE L-QRS is a quality measurement software system for real-time product release of LNG loading, using on-line measurements and certified statistical calculations, including quality and outlier calculations. Providing the instant availability of the certificate of quality avoids costly sample handling, laboratory tests and retrospective corrections of the bill of lading and quality certificates. 

The system is certified by NMi, the independent internationally accredited institute, and compliant with ISO 8943, GPA 2172, ASTM 4784 and GIIGNL. It combines analyser management and data acquisition (AMADAS) functionality, using control charting techniques and statistical process control to determine the performance, availability and maintainability of the process analysers - and other critical instruments - to ensure the best results and availability at all times. 


  • Provides instant availability of the certificate of quality & the bill of lading, avoiding sample handling and off-line laboratory testing
  • Indisputable compliance with Gas Sales Purchase Agreements (GSPA), international standards such as ASTM D3764, ASTM D6299, OP 97-30425 and local regulations
  • Reporting, statistical evaluations and calculation of performances / KPI’s
  • Fully auditable and traceable, including multi-level reporting, on all analyzers
  • Outlier detection on mass-based heating value as per ASTM E-178
  • Automated instrument validation and effective performance monitoring of quality measurement instruments (QMI)
  • High efficiency analyser maintenance by use of enhanced control charting techniques
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC) supported by embedded decision rules (ASTM D6299)
  • Trending and alarm management
  • Integration with plant management and control systems (DCS, PI, LIMS, ERP, etc)

Typical applications

  • LNG loading and unloading operations


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Coriolis mass flowmeter for advanced process applications

  • High accuracy (±0.05% flat), for cryogenic to HT media (-200…+400°C / -328…+752°F); maintains operation over a wide range of gas fractions and complex flow conditions (EGMTM)
  • SIL 2/3; CT: OIML R117, R137, MI-005, MI-002; API, AGA; hygienic certifications
  • Flange: DN10…300 / ½…12", max. PN 160 / ASME Cl 1500
  • 3 x 4…20 mA, HART®7, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®

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Ultrasonic flowmeter for custody transfer (CT) measurement of gases

  • 12-chord meter, for high accuracy flow metering of natural gas
  • CT: OIML R137 (class 0.5), MI-002, AGA9 etc.
  • Many variants, extensive CBM diagnostics free of charge
  • Flange: DN100…1600 / 4…64"; max. PN450 / ASME Cl 2500

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Ultrasonic flowmeter for custody transfer (CT) measurement in upstream and midstream applications

  • Multipath inline meter for crudes, refined products, cryogenic media and chemicals
  • CT: OIML R117, API compliant
  • Flange: 4…24"; max. ASME Cl 600
  • -200…+250°C / -328…+482°F

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Flow computer for custody transfer (CT) measurement

  • Cost effective solution due to modular hard- and software design
  • Full colour graphical touch screen for maximum process transparency
  • Easy operator access enabling time efficient maintenance
  • Automatic Performance Monitoring extends recalibration interval

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Related solutions

Custody transfer metering systems for LNG

Metering solution for liquefied natural gas

  • Based on ultrasonic or Coriolis cryogenic flow meters
  • From large scale ship (un)loading to bunkering and truck loading
  • Comprising flow metering skid, metering control cabinets, sampling and analyser systems, and all supervisory and validation software

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Supervisory Control Cabinets

Complete solution for process control

  • Provides control of the metering system, including validation of field instrumentation
  • Installed in a safe area, typically in a control room or dedicated building
  • Supplied in combination with new metering systems, or for an upgrade to existing systems

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Sampling systems

Automatic sampling solution for liquid hydrocarbons

  • Sampling systems for stand-alone use, or integrated into the flow metering systems
  • In-house design, manufacturing, commissioning and testing
  • Fully assembled and tested prior to shipping
  • Engineered solution to meet any special project specifications

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Analyser houses and shelters

Analyser solution for crude oil, refined products and natural gas

  • Quality measurements of crude oil, refined products and natural gas
  • Supplied with new metering systems, or as a stand-alone upgrade to existing systems
  • Engineered solutions based on customer preferred brands

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Related services

Consultancy & engineering for supervisory and validation software

Design and implementation of complete software solutions

  • Integration of the software solution into an existing plant IT environment
  • Consultancy during the whole solution lifecycle by experienced engineers
  • Support for new features, software upgrades and cyber-security

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Operation and maintenance of supervisory and validation software

Metering supervisory software and instrument management

  • Support to guarantee the accurate and proper operation of flow metering installations and continuous process monitoring and reporting
  • Maintenance contracts and service level agreements
  • 24/7 Customer support and emergency hotline

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Start-up & commissioning for supervisory and validation software

Service support during the integration of the solution with the plant control system

  • Consultancy during the integration with other software platforms
  • On-site commissioning services
  • Assurance of a smooth and continuous operation in the field
  • Training of staff before and/or after system implementation

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