PipePatrol Health Check

Complete pipeline leak detection audit

  • Complete audit of all areas of leak detection on an operator‘s pipeline or pipeline network
  • The PipePatrol Health Check system covers fundamental aspects, the physical state, the performance and the compliance with standards and regulations

Pipepatrol Health Check

The PipePatrol Health Check is a complete audit of the pipeline leak detection techniques and management approaches to check all areas of leak detection on an operator‘s pipeline or pipeline network with the goal of ensuring that all the required areas of leak detection are functioning properly.

It is the most comprehensive audit program available for pipeline leak detection. PipePatrol Health Check covers the physical state of the system, performance of the system, compliance with standards and regulations including API, 49 CFR 195, CSA Z662 and TRFL and fundamental aspects such as the readiness of an organisation to deal with an emergency. It is performed by specialists based on over 35 years of experience in leak detection on over 400 pipeline projects.

A PipePatrol Health Check can be started with a subset of tests to guarantee the most critical issues are addressed. Later, the test program can be extended to full coverage and a long-term test strategy can be implemented. In this way, continuous reliability and improvement are possible. In any case, initial and reoccurring testing of the system is recommended or required by regulation to guarantee consistent performance during the whole lifetime of the system.


  • The most comprehensive test program available, covers
    • Fundamental aspects
    • Physical state of the system
    • Performance of the system
    • Compliance with standards and regulations (API, CSA, TRFL, etc.)
  • Performed by specialists based on over 35 years of experience in leak detection on over 400 pipeline projects

Typical applications

  • Crude oil pipelines from oil fields to refineries
  • Multiproduct pipelines from refineries to tank farms
  • Subsea pipelines from FPSO units and platforms
  • Non-continuously operated transport pipelines (e.g. for jet fuel)
  • Water pipelines from desalination plants to cities
  • Natural gas pipelines

Related solutions

PipePatrol Leak Detection

Solution for pipeline leak detection and localisation

  • E-RTTM (Extended Real Time Transient Model) based leak detection and localisation
  • Highly accurate and extremely reliable leak information
  • Meets API 1130, API 1175, AB 864, German TRFL standards and CSA Z662
  • System is either independent, or can be integrated with existing systems

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PipePatrol Tightness Monitoring

Solution for detection of small and gradual leaks

  • Detection of gradual leaks using standard pressure and temperature instrumentation
  • Continuous and automatic reporting according to regulatory requirements
  • Avoid negative effects on normal pipeline operation

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PipePatrol Cyber Security

Cyber security solution for pipeline management

  • Complementing solutions for pipeline monitoring and protection
  • Protection against cyber risks
  • Secure communication, fulfilling the latest standards

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PipePatrol Data acquisition

Data transmission solution for pipelines

  • Reliable systems for data acquisition and transmission and components for data encryption
  • Particularly safe communication, fulfilling the latest safety standards

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Related services

Consultancy & engineering for pipeline management

From operation and design of pipelines, through to certification

  • Design of safe and reliable pipeline systems
  • Consultancy during the whole project lifecycle by experienced pipeline management experts
  • Support in the selection of the right technology and instrumentation
  • Support of certification according to legal requirements

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Start-up & commissioning for pipeline management

Service support during the initiation of projects and implementation in the field

  • Consultancy during the implementation of projects
  • On-site commissioning services
  • Assurance of smooth and continuous operation in the field
  • Training of staff before system implementation

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System calibration & validation for pipeline management

Optimisation to operating conditions and achieving full performance

  • Calibration of pipeline protection and monitoring systems
  • Adjustments according to the application requirements to increase sensitivity and enable the accurate identification of pipeline incidents
  • System validation according to effectiveness and certification

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Operation & maintenance for pipeline management

Support for the protection and efficient operation of pipelines

  • Identification of irregular behaviour in pipeline operation on site or via remote access
  • Swift response to leak or theft events enabled by emergency support systems
  • Inspection and maintenance to increase system life cycle

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Training for pipeline management

Seminars and workshops on pipeline protection and monitoring systems

  • In-depth training of operational, engineering and maintenance personnel
  • From web-based eLearning to extensive on-site workshops
  • Customised to suit the specific requirements of the operator and the application

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Pipeline Management Solutions

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