Bread, fresh pastry goods & cake production in the food & beverage industry

From storage and dough forming to forming and baking of the final product

  • Precise process monitoring to achieve a consistently high quality of the product
  • Silo and tank level, temperature, pressure and inline weight and mass flow measurement
  • Precise dosing of ingredients and other liquid toppings
  • All devices are EHEDG and 3-A certified and meet the requirements of FDA and EC1935 / 2004
Loafs of bread in a bakery on an automated convey or belt

Scientific and technical innovations have made it possible for large bread factories to control the complex physical, chemical, and biological changes inherent in bread making. High-speed machinery can now accomplish the kneading and ripening processes in a matter of seconds. From the various storage silos, the correct quantity of the selected grade of flour is transferred to a mixing vessel, where other ingredients are also added, with yeast, and water at the right temperature: the whole mixture is kneaded mechanically, to produce dough. The dough is then passed via a forming machine, to take the right quantity and place it in a baking tray, which is passed through an oven, to bake the bread. After being ejected from the trays, and some cooling on the conveyor, toppings are added, such as tomato sauce, cheese or crème fraiche. The final section involves rapid cooling or freezing, and packing.

KROHNE offers precisely tailored measuring devices for these tasks. Fast, extremely accurate and robust temperature sensors provide exact results for simple and demanding hygienic applications. OPTIMASS Coriolis mass flowmeters can measure flow e.g. of dough reliably. EGM™ technology by KROHNE (Entrained Gas Management) was developed for OPTIMASS mass flowmeters to overcome problems caused by air or gas entrainments in a liquid. Powerful control algorithms allow the flowmeter to maintain operation over a wide range of gas fractions and complex flow conditions. FMCW radar level measuring devices with a large selection of hygienic process connections enable reliable, continuous, non-contact level measurement. Capacitive level switches with a short immersion depth in the process, are unaffected by foam, condensate or deposits. All devices are EHEDG and 3-A certified and meet the requirements of FDA and EC1935 / 2004.

Processes related to the Bread, fresh pastry goods & cake production in the food & beverage industry

Explore the detailed industry processes and our recommended products, solutions and services:

Applications from the Food & Beverage industry

Selection of applications:

KROHNE Global Industry Division Food & Beverage

Headquartered in Duisburg, Germany, our Global Industry Division is dedicated to serving customers in the Food & Beverage industry. Being an instrumentation supplier in the industry for over 20 years, we have gained industry- and application-specific know-how that we implemented into our devices and measuring solutions. Our offering extends from elementary process instrumentation up to fully engineered systems, and from engineering consultancy during the design phase, through to on-site commissioning and training. With presence in around 100 countries, local support is usually available from just around the corner. This applies whether the application can be covered by standard instrumentation, or is more challenging, where a one-off solution with dedicated process diagnostics is required.

Global Industry Division Logo KROHNE Food & Beverage

KROHNE Food & Beverage

Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5
47058 Duisburg
